Reminder: Spring Strategic Planning Summit today
April 11, 2023 7:01 AM

Dear Faculty, Staff and Students, 

We have been working together with partners across the university to create Boldly Illinois: Strategic Plan 2030, an ambitious vision for the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign in the coming years. Our research activities are foundational to our reputation as one of the nation’s top public universities. And ensuring we prioritize this in Boldly Illinois is the next step in our strategic planning process. We invite you to join us in this planning phase by attending our upcoming event:

Spring Strategic Planning Summit
9 to 11 a.m.
Illini Ballroom (second floor Illini Union)

We will begin the event by inviting Susan Martinis, Vice Chancellor for Research and Innovation, to discuss the state of research and innovation at our university. Then we will invite our three featured guest speakers, Joy Connolly, Lesley Millar-Nicholson and Daniel A. Reed, to stimulate a conversation about what it means to be a 21st-century research university. 

Joy Connolly is President of the American Council of Learned Societies. Previously, she served as provost and interim president of The Graduate Center at the City University of New York, where she was also Distinguished Professor of Classics.

Lesley Millar-Nicholson is the Executive Director of Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Technology Licensing Office (TLO) and is part of the founding leadership team of the recently formed MIT Office of Strategic Alliances and Technology Transfer (OSATT). As TLO Executive Director, she leads a team managing the MIT’s intellectual assets and technology transfer process.

Daniel A. Reed is the Presidential Professor in Computational Science at the University of Utah, where he previously served as Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs (Provost). Earlier, he was the University Chair in Computational Science and Bioinformatics, and Professor of Computer Science, Electrical and Computer Engineering, and Medicine at the University of Iowa, where he also served as Vice President for Research and Economic Development.

We cannot accomplish our full potential without planning carefully and strategically, and I sincerely hope you accept this invitation to be an active participant in this process to create our shared vision for the future. Snacks and drinks will be provided. 


Robert J. Jones

William Bernhard 
Interim Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost

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