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Information on accommodating religious observances
Dear Students, The University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign is committed to maintaining an inclusive educational environment for students of all religious backgrounds. This commitment encompasses the upholding of state and federal law requiring the university to reasonably accommodate its students’ religious beliefs, observances and practices in the areas of admission, class attendance and the scheduling of examinations and work requirements. The university recommends that students examine each course syllabus at the beginning of the semester for potential conflicts, promptly notify the instructor of any conflict that may occur during the semester, and engage directly with the instructor to request needed accommodations (e.g., absence from class, deadline extension, etc.). When requested, instructors need to provide reasonable accommodations for religious beliefs, observances and practices for students as outlined in the Student Code, Article 1, Section 1-107 on Policy for the Provision of Religious Accommodations for Students. A reasonable accommodation is defined as change that allows the student to participate in their religious belief, observance and practice and which does not fundamentally alter the educational requirement or place an undue hardship on an instructor, department or office. Students must request a reasonable accommodation for their religious belief, observance and practice in advance of the conflict to allow time for both consideration of the request and alternate procedures to be prepared. Not requesting an accommodation reasonably in advance of the conflict may result in a delay or denial of the accommodation. IMPORTANT - NEW CHANGE Effective this fall, absence letters for religious observances are no longer being provided by the Connie Frank CARE Center (formerly Student Assistance Center) in the Office of the Dean of Students. Instead, students are asked to work directly with their instructor(s) to request an accommodation for a religious belief, observance or practice. The Office of the Dean of Students provides an optional resource students can use to facilitate a request with their instructor(s) for an accommodation. For additional information on religious, spiritual and secular inclusion at the university, visit the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Diversity, Equity & Inclusion, which maintains a calendar of religious observances. Members of the University of Illinois community practice a range of faith traditions, and it is the expectation of the university that reasonable religious accommodations be considered by instructors regardless of whether the date is included on the Religious Observances that Affect the Academic Calendar webpage. Student Code Section 1-107 (e) allows any student to appeal in writing an instructor's decision on a request for accommodation based on religious beliefs, observances and practices to the dean of the academic unit offering the course. We encourage students of all religious faiths to review this information, share the information with your peers and make use of the available resources. Students who have additional questions or need guidance for working with faculty to make requests may contact the Office of the Dean of Students at helpdean@illinois.edu. Sincerely Sean C. Garrick John Coleman Danita M. Brown Young |
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