Student elections for Illinois Student Senate (ISS), Student Trustee, Student Organization Resource Fund (SORF) Board, and any referendum questions will take place on March 6th and 7th, 2012.  

Any student interested in running for ISS, Student Trustee or SORF Board must:
1) Download and read the 2012 Election Rules and Procedures Packet from the Campus Student Election Commission (CSEC) website at
2) Attend the Mandatory Candidate Meeting on Monday, February 6, 2012 at 7:30pm in the Law Building, Room D, 504 E. Pennsylvania Ave.

A referendum may be placed on the ballot for general student body vote by any current student or official student organization.  Anyone wishing to place a referendum question on the ballot must:
1) Download and read the 2012 Election Rules and Procedures Packet from the CSEC website at
2) Submit the referendum question and short explanatory statement to the CSEC for approval.
3) Collect signatures supporting the referendum from 7% of the student body (or 5% if the referendum received support of ISS by 2/3 vote).

All petition signatures, candidate documents and referendum materials must be submitted by 5:00pm on Tuesday, February 21, 2012 at the Office of the Dean of Students.

If you have any questions regarding election procedures, please contact the CSEC Chair, Melisande Loeppert, at


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