Dear Colleagues:

This memo and related documents have been prepared by Kappy Laing, Executive Director for Governmental Relations, to make sure that all University employees who engage in lobbying, as defined by the Federal Lobby Disclosure Act (LDA), properly disclose the necessary information.

Please review the memo and complete the lobbying disclosure form if you have had contact with a federal official or congressional staff.  The first reporting deadline for those engaged in lobbying will be Tuesday, April 3, 2012, so your prompt consideration is appreciated.

Contact Kappy Laing at 333-8634 if you have any questions or need more information about the LDA.

Lobbying Disclosure Memo (doc)

Lobbying Disclosure Report (pdf)

Lobbying Disclosure Report (word doc)

Lobbying Disclosure Terms (pdf)

Thank you.

Phyllis M. Wise
Vice President, University of Illinois
Chancellor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


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