Dear Student,

Enrollment in the Spring 2014 Semester Payment Plan is now available. If you would like to utilize the 6 month Spring 2014 Semester Payment Plan option, the enrollment deadline is December 27, 2013. After December 27th, options available will be the 5 month, 4 month or 3 month Spring 2014 Semester Payment Plan.

Enrollment in the Payment Plan is optional and is an alternative to the regular University payment policy. Payment Plan payments are automatically deducted from your checking or savings account electronically each month. For more information regarding eligibility requirements and enrollment instructions, visit our Payment Plan web page at:

Please disregard this message if you are currently enrolled in the Annual 2013-2014 Payment Plan. Please do not reply directly to this email, as this is an outgoing email account only. Send all email correspondence to



Customer Service

University Student Financial Services and Cashier Operations

Room 162 (MC 367) Henry Administration Building

506 South Wright Street

Urbana, Illinois 61801-3636

Phone (217) 333-2180 


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Office of the Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs

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