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Dear Illinois and Carle Colleagues, On behalf of the search committee for the founding dean of the Carle Illinois College of Medicine, we are reaching out to provide you with an update and to seek your recommendations and input about potential candidates. The leadership profile of the founding dean has been finalized and approved by the Urbana campus and Carle leadership. The leadership profile is a public document, and intended to reach hundreds of prospective candidates or nominators. The leadership profile and additional information pertinent to the dean’s search can be found on the web at http://medicine.illinois.edu/guiding-documents.html. With the recruiting phase under way, the search committee will be working closely with our consultants at Witt/Kieffer to advertise the position in a broad range of relevant venues. However, the most productive source of high-potential candidates are the ones who are personally contacted or referred to Witt/Kieffer. While our consultants will be leveraging their vast network to identify and cultivate prospects, your proactive contribution to this important phase of the process is essential for developing the strongest pool of candidates. With this in mind, we ask that you offer nominations from your professional and academic circles of people who would fit the profile we have developed. Please feel free to refer these to us or directly to Witt/Kieffer (CarleIllinoisDean@wittkieffer.com) for follow up. Witt/Kieffer will be tracking all names and coordinating follow up, so please make sure that you provide us with your nominations as quickly as possible. Thank you for your attention to this request. We look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Andreas C. Cangellaris, Ph.D.
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