Dear Campus Community,

As you know, we are working on the next University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Strategic Plan, the guiding document that will set our campus goals and priorities. In the last several months, we have continued to update
The Next 150 website with reports from each of the Strategic Focus Areas. All of the reports and materials are now available online, and I would encourage you to visit each of the pages to leave feedback:

Data Science
Energy and Sustainability
Food Security
Health Sciences
Public Engagement
Social and Behavioral Sciences
Undergraduate Education

Goal I: Foster Scholarship, Discovery & Innovation
Goal II: Provide Transformative Learning Experiences
Goal III: Make a Significant and Visible Societal Impact
Goal IV: Steward Current Resources & Generate Additional Resources for Strategic Investment

We will continue to accept comments on the website until July 1. We really value your encouragements and critiques. Please stay involved and offer your ideas. This summer we will begin drafting the document, and we plan to have a finalized version by the end of the fall semester.

We would like to thank everyone who has been involved in this planning process so far, especially our Strategic Focus Area committee chairs and members. These individuals were tasked with ambitious expectations on tight timelines, and we are so pleased with the work they have done to help shape our future.


Robert J. Jones

Andreas C. Cangellaris
Vice Chancellor for Academic Affairs and Provost

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