Use of additional study spaces this week
December 11, 2020 2:16 PM

Dear students,

For those of you who returned to the local community to finish the semester, we hope you have found the additional study spaces we have opened to be helpful. You can find the full list of spaces with the days and times they are open here.

If you utilize these spaces, we do want to remind you that all of our current campus COVID-19 guidelines and rules must be followed at all times.

  • Building access status will be verified via the Safer Illinois App or a COVID-19 Boarding Pass.
  • Social distancing and face coverings are required.
  • You must adhere to the posted room capacity.
  • Please clean your seat and work space with the supplies provided when you leave.
  • Furniture cannot be moved within the room or to any other location.
  • Please be courteous and respectful to others using the rooms.
  • You must exit the building by the posted closing time or you will be considered to be trespassing.

We know this has been a semester unlike any other and we have depended on you to take care of one another and to adjust your experiences to address the restrictions of the COVID-19 pandemic.

We have just a few more days to go together before you have a well-earned and deserved break.

We hope these additional safe, quiet study spaces are helpful in this last week. Please use them. And please, just as you have done all semester, use them in ways that keep your classmates, faculty and staff as safe as possible.


Mike DeLorenzo
Senior Associate Chancellor for Administration and Operations
Chair, COVID-19 Executive Steering Committee on Return to On-Campus Operations

Matthew Tomaszewski
Executive Associate Provost for Capital Planning
Vice Chair, COVID-19 Executive Steering Committee on Return to On-Campus Operations

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