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An update on planning and considerations for Fall 2020 Instruction
Dear Colleagues, There have been a number of recent messages (May 6, May 12, May 21) with information about the broad planning efforts underway for a safe return to some level of on-campus operations through the summer. We want to give a more in-depth update on the status of our contingency planning and the operational considerations we are evaluating to make this important decision. We still anticipate announcing our fall instruction plans in mid-June. I know I speak for all of us when I say that Booker T. Washington’s conviction that “there is no education which one can get from books and costly apparatus that is equal to that which can be gotten from contact with great men and women” is the bedrock on which universities like ours have built their reputation and stellar record as agents for good and prosperity for the world through free inquiry, education, discovery and creative expression. It is for this reason that we are working diligently toward the development of a plan for our return to the residential campus experience, guided by expert scientific and medical advice, in a manner that prioritizes everyone’s safety and well-being. The Academics Contingency Planning team has been meeting for several weeks and consulting with faculty, deans, directors and instructional staff across the campus to identify a set of possible instructional scenarios and the logistics of the corresponding implementation. The recommendations and direction from the other six working COVID-19 teams will also play an important role in defining the nature of the fall semester. While there are many considerations and assumptions that must be made in this process, these are the two that are most important.
Given the current status of the pandemic and based on data models from our own researchers and others, we are hopeful that the fall semester will be delivered through some hybrid of in-person and remote delivery. We are evaluating scenarios based on that possibility. But if conditions require us to move to a fully remote semester, we must be prepared for that as well. Even with an expected smaller starting residential population, we will need to implement a number of additional significant steps to reduce the population density in physical spaces to meet the levels recommended by our state and local health officials.
We are also considering how modifications to our schedules and delivery methods will impact our faculty and instructors, the student experience and the community in which we live and work. Important guiding questions we are asking include:
These plans are still in progress and will continue to be modified and refined after our mid-June decision to reflect any updated directives from Gov. Pritzker and our state and local public health officials. And if we reach a point later in the summer when we do not believe the conditions we have set out to govern any level of return to on-campus instruction can be met, or if the progression of the virus does not continue to curve downward at a sufficient level, we will not hesitate to make the decision to return entirely to the alternative delivery method that we employed this spring. I know the uncertainty surrounding such important decisions can be unsettling and frustrating. And while this update may not give you all the answers you would like at this point, I hope you find it helpful and informational to see how we are proceeding with our plans and evaluating the options and considerations that factor into these decisions. Sincerely, Andreas C. Cangellaris |
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